If you read my regular blog Pondering Happiness, Hope, and Wisdom, you might remember that I started EMAO as an experiment to see if I could blog about one subject for a specific length of time. I was inspired by author Julie Powell who blogged about cooking her way through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking
EMAO reminded me that muscle weighs more than fat. I didn't lose one pound exercising my ass off, but I lost four-percentage points of body fat and inches around my waist and thighs. (I still don't know why my right thigh remains bigger though.) I exercised 54 out of 90 days and burned approximately 14,200 calories.
For any future EMAOers out there:
- I recommend a combination of exercise that includes strength training, cardio, and flexibility to maximize your results.
- I would avoid Taebo
altogether since Billy Blanks doesn't seem to believe in cooling down after an intense aerobic workout.
- I love P90X
, Yoga Booty Ballet
, and Jackie Warner's Power Circuits for home exercise.
- If you live in the San Fernando Valley, Yoga Blend is an awesome yoga studio that offers a variety of instructors to guide you in your practice.
- If you like Latin music and dance, try Zumba
; I didn't like it, but it is an energetic cardio workout.
- You do need to make adjustments to your diet if you want to see some real results, but don't overdo it. I don't consume artificial sweeteners anymore at home (they make you crave sugar), but I sometimes put Splenda in my Starbucks coffee as a treat.
AWW – XoXo
P.S. Since I quit EMAO, I have lost 3.5 pounds—proof that muscle weighs more than fat!