When I was doing ballet, one of my favorite parts of class was "Partner Stretch." Typically during barre (i.e., warmup), each person stretches alone using the actual barre as resistance. Occasionally, my Bulgarian teacher would surprise the class and call out "partner stretch"—an exercise that is much more fun because you have someone to talk to and a person can push you much harder than any barre can. I never said "ouch" when I stretched alone until I encountered Tony Horton and P90X.

Today I completed P90X's X-Stretch workout, which is exactly what it sounds like—an hour of stretching every muscle in your body. From your neck to your hamstrings (and even your wrists!), your body lengthens and relaxes, as your mind focuses on breathing through the soreness and tightness. My heart rate dropped below its average 70bpm. Although there are some yoga moves in this workout, P90X has a separate 90-minute yoga program. You won't burn many calories doing X-Stretch, but trust me, your body will thank you afterward. Even Winston, my English

Mastiff, enjoyed this workout; he fell sound asleep as he watched me attempt a shoulder stand. I think he was amused, and perhaps confused, by my efforts.
X-Stretch Workout Results:
- 64 minutes, 0 minutes in target zone
- Average heart rate: 88bpm
- 112 calories burned
- Soreness factor: 2
- Body parts that snapped, cracked or popped: hips and ankles
AWW – XoXo
P.S. My husband is taking me to see Paul McCartney in concert on Wednesday. Is seeing a former Beatle for the first time a good enough excuse to skip EMAO for one day?

Stretch Me Please
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